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Those who are happiest are those who do the most for others.

Booker T. Washington

Student Support (training)

Student support and training with TLZ Moodle, MS TEAMS and related technologies.


Telephone: 031 373 3120 Due to the renovation of this office, this number is not available.

WhatsApp number:  078 280 3802 Due to the renovation of this office, this number is not available.

TLZ Moodle staff training (only) training please contact:

Mari Pete  (Health Sciences – FHS, Accounting & Informatics – FAI, Applied Sciences – FAS, The Library, CELT) and

Bwalya Lungu –  (Arts and Design – FoAD, Management Sciences – FMS, Engineering and the Built Environment – FEBE, General Education – Gen Ed, Writing Centre).

TLZ Moodle Technical Support please use the following particulars to get assistance: 

Gita Mistri – or MS TEAMS staff training and support please contact Gita Mistri

For further information on the MOODLE and MS TEAMS training programmes contact: Ms. Cebokazi Luthuli: via  or 031-373 6810