Enrol users

User enrolment in TLZ Moodle

As an instructor you have various options to put students into your classroom, in the main most of the students are already enrolled for you by TLZ Support but there are various cases where you may find students have not been enrolled. Instead of sending support requests to TLZ Support and waiting for these to be resolved you now also have access to enrol multiple users on your own. You only need to know their email address to add them to either your classroom or to groups in your classroom. If the group has already been created you can add them to the respective group, or you can do both operations in one go.

Preparing to enrol users

As mentioned in the previous paragraph, you only need the email address/s one per line:


For groups you need this format:

# Group 1
# Group 2

How to access this menu

A short video will show you the steps to use to access the menu and enrol users (the video is hosted on TLZ Moodle and is zero-rated.
